Sleep Help ~ Optimizing Mind and Body Development

Sleep Help to optimize mind and body development

If you need sleep help to optimize your child’s mind and body development, you’re not alone!  Over 50% of parents with young children report sleep deprivation due to nighttime wakings.  And it’s not only the parents who suffer from lack of sleep, but the kids do too.  We often forget that sleep is as essential… Continue reading Sleep Help ~ Optimizing Mind and Body Development

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Design Process for Better Sleep

Designing better sleep with empathy

A design process for better sleep?  Funny, I never considered my constant analysis for potential bedding designs and products a process. I just thought I cared way too much about helping people feel comfortable and sleep well.   Yep. I admit it.  I secretly escape into my empathetic, creative oasis seeking solutions to optimize bedding… Continue reading Design Process for Better Sleep

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