Better Sleep with Bedtime Potty Tricks:)

Better sleep with bedtime potty tricks

Do you need better sleep during your toddler’s nighttime potty training?  Don’t worry.  You’re not alone.  Unfortunately, many parent’s find their sleep disrupted while their child develops this new skill.  Even when your little one is accident free during the day, staying dry at night is a whole new awareness. And, the wet diaper they… Continue reading Better Sleep with Bedtime Potty Tricks:)

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A Wife, A Mom and a Passion for Kids Bedding

A wife, a mom and a passion for kids bedding

Being a wife and a mom with a passion for kids bedding, my entrepreneurial endeavors are a constant balancing act. Living a modest life in Southern California with my husband, 2 kids and 2 dogs, my day is full of wins and challenges, both personally and professionally.  So, as I lead my responsibilities with heart… Continue reading A Wife, A Mom and a Passion for Kids Bedding

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Sleep Help:) Falling Back with Time

Sleep help:) Falling back with the time

Need sleep help for the dreaded time change ahead?  Never fear!  We’ve got you covered:)  On November 1st 2020, Daylight Savings Time ends while families are sound asleep. And, although we “just” fall back an hour, our sleep cycles are disrupted whether we like it or not.  Yep, our long summer days will soon be… Continue reading Sleep Help:) Falling Back with Time

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Getting your child to sleep through the night with Halloween fears:)

Halloween fears? Getting your child to sleep through the night with fun games:)

Halloween fears are completely normal for young children, so Getting your child  to sleep through the night while festive, spooky decorations are displayed everywhere can be tricky.   Child Psychologist Peter Gillian explains when a child is between the ages of 2-4, they are trying to make sense of the world and, it’s often unclear… Continue reading Getting your child to sleep through the night with Halloween fears:)

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