
Kids Bedding Soothes Big Bed Shift

Kids bedding soothes big bed shift
Kids bedding soothes big bed shift

Kids Bedding to soothes your little rascal’s sleep?  Yep.  It’s a thing:)  If you think it’s time for the big kid bed shift, keeping your kiddo covered is a must, unless you adore hearing the pitter patter of little feet in the wee hours of the morning.  Most will agree, the sound of pitter patter is sweet at a reasonable hour, but not so much during our much needed rest.  But wait!  Before deciding to shift your tot into a big kid bed, let’s take a look at what the experts advise.  After all, we want to avoid fighting any uphill battles with our growing peeps when we can;)

The Magic Number

Dr. Jodi Mindell, chair of the Pediatric Sleep Council, an international team of sleep and child development experts, recommends transitioning your child from Crib to Big Kid Bed after they turn 3.  “Before the age of 3, many children do not have the behavioral control or understanding to stay within the imaginary boundaries of a bed, and it’s not fair to expect them to stay in a bed when it’s beyond their abilities.” So, although your child may be ready physically doesn’t mean they are ready cognitively. Never fear:) We’ve got you covered:) If you have a crib climber under the age of 3, here are a few tricks to keep them safely in place:)

Anti- Climbing PJ’s

Sleep Sack ~ If your tot wears a Sleep Sack to bed, outsmart your clever climber:)  Have them wear the sleep sack backwards so they can’t Houdini the zipper;) With this trick, the zipper stays zipped and your climber stays safe.

Footed PJ’s ~ If you prefer footed pj’s, give Little Grounder’s a try.  This clever, comfy design incorporates a simple piece of fabric that stops climbers in their tracks:)

Crib Mattress

Tall Toddlers ~ If your 2 year old is 34 inches or taller, make sure the crib mattress sits on the lowest possible setting.  You can even lay it on the ground in their crib until it’s time for their big bed transition.

Avoid Crib Tents

Portable crib tents may work well at the beach or the park to keep nagging insects away, but for nighttime use they have been deemed dangerous by the experts.  So, er on the side of caution and use tents only while kiddos are supervised during the day:)

Fun Fact:
Determined to give your toddler the best rest possible the Pediatric Sleep Council’s research team collected relevant data from over 2,000 families around the globe.  Their results clearly found toddler’s who continued sleeping in their crib after 3 were well grounded in sound, independent sleep habits.  so why not wait?

Big Bed Shift

Now that we have determined the ideal age for your kiddo big bed transition, what’s the ideal bed?

The good news is you don’t need to invest in a new bed frame right away.  Although new decor is fun and exciting, the big bed height may be intimidating for your little one.   So, if you want a smoother transition,  Dr. Mindell tells us to take baby steps to avoid sleep regression.  Here are a few easy- does-it ideas from the experts:

  • Convert crib into toddler bed ~ To make the transition easier for parents, most cribs convert into a toddler bed:)  Check out your crib attributes on the web to see if yours converts:)
  • If the crib does not convert, simply place the crib mattress on the floor without the crib. Set a few of their furry bedtime friends around the mattress, enhancing the space with a friendly bed frame feel:)
  • Place a twin or full mattress on the floor in the prior crib space. Use the same fuzzy friend bed frame feel for visual comfort:)
Kids Bedding

Once you have chosen the big kid mattress, it’s time to shop for kids bedding.  And, believe it or not, sheets matter:) Studies show when children stay covered, they sleep better.  Yep.  Untucked, kicked off bedding has been the undected, sneaky nighttime culprit waking parents for years!  That’s why we created sheets that flow with your wiggly tot, keeping them comfy covered until morning:)

At Tucked+ Covered, our mission is better sleep for the whole family.

Our price is reasonable, our star prints are neutral and our purpose is clear.  When your kids sleep, then YOU sleep.  It’s that simple:)  Try us for 30 naps or nights risk free and see why parents and kids sleep better with buttons:)








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