Better Sleep with Love

Better Sleep with Love
Did you know falling asleep feeling love helps your child feel secure, creating better sleep?
Better Sleep with Love?  Absolutely 🙂  Think about it.  If we feel love, we feel secure.  And if we feel confident, the feeling of security is a big part of what lulls our little ones into a good night’s rest.  Funny, I never thought about it until now, but the pure love I feel for my son is what inspired T+C’s synchronistic sheet design. One element seamlessly flows into the next, creating a warm and secure feeling as children sleep.   
Why all the talk about love?  Well, Valentine’s Day is near.  To celebrate,  let’s look at how love and other positive emotions nurture our growth.  At, Barbara Fredrickson, an Emotional Scientist, shares insightful findings on the power of love🙂  Take a peek and see why pure moments of Love nurtures us into the best versions of ourselves:)
The Science

I don’t know about you, but I physically and mentally feel better when I experience love, joy, gratitude, and overall happiness.  And, come to find out, these positive emotions play a vital role in our overall health. Barbara’s extensive research reveals genuinely feeling love not only creates positive behavior, like laughing, smiling, and hugging, it also affects our internal physiological makeup.  Being a positive person slows down the aging process.  And, hitting the hay with positive emotions most definitely manifests sweet dreams and better sleep.  Pretty cool, huh?

Emotional Flow

Have you ever wondered why we feel happy one minute, and a few minutes later, we are angry or frustrated?  When I teach my kids about emotions, I use the ocean’s current as an analogy, forever moving.    At, Barbara shares, “One thing that is true of all emotions is that they are short-lived:  They last for seconds, maybe minutes, but not hours, weeks, days, years or a lifetime.” Wouldn’t that be nice, a lifetime of love?  What can I say? I’m a dreamer:)

Fun Fact:

“Never go to Bed Angry” is an adage we’ve all heard.  But today, scientists have found evidence supporting this cliche’.  Come to find out, during sleep, negative memories store in our mind’s hard drive.  So, if anger is unresolved,  it’s unconsciously etched in our brain.  So, it makes it difficult to identify so we can truly forgive and forget.

Pure Love

Barbara’s in-depth dive into love reveals a pure love connection is different than feeling positive.  She explains it’s “that moment when your baby meets your reach to pick her up and molds to your body as you hold her. when your preschooler calls out to you, definitely pointing at the crescent moon he discovered, and you join him in looking up at the night’s sky.  Or when your fifth grader catches your proud gaze in the audience of other parents during her elementary school graduation ceremony.”

I don’t know about you, but I feel these moments when I read her words.  I mean, I’ve experienced what she is saying.  She goes on to explains these intimate moments are synchronistic and seem to be “especially nutritious for our growth and development.”  Since reading Barbara’s research, I’ve been slowing down with my children and listening to them more acutely.  And, with this behavior shift, I get what she is saying.  Thanks, Barbara:)

At Tucked+Covered, our mission is better sleep for the whole family.  Try us for 30 nights or naps risk-free and see why parents are sleeping the difference.  After all, when your kids sleep, then YOU sleep.  It’s that simple:)

Happy Valentine’s Day:)








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