High Quality Kids Bedding ~ A Loving Sleep Space

High Quality Kids Bedding ~ A Loving sleep Space
High Quality Kids Bedding for Big Kid Bed Transition

Creating a loving sleep space is more comfortable with our high-quality kids’ bedding. So, if your baby is growing into toddlerhood, we’re glad you found us. You see, although many brands offer 100% cotton sheets, there’s only one offering universal, secure coverage all night. That’s us:) Just like babies in a swaddle, children crave a secure sleep space. That’s why we added buttons to keep your kiddo safely covered all night. If they feel safe, they sleep better, and so do you.

Here’s some excellent news:) Children between ages 1 and 3 are no longer at risk for SIDS. What a relief! And, sleep safety guidelines for your tot have changed a bit. Take a look and see what experts recommend:

Ideal Height

Did you know toddler safety is the number one reason to transition your toddler into a big kid bed? At iowaclinic.com, Dr. Daniel Pelzer shares, “When toddlers reach about 35 inches tall — usually between 24 and 36 months of age — they may be able to climb over the crib rail, which can be dangerous. You should introduce a big kid bed before your toddler can put a leg on or over the top rail, or when the distance between the mattress and the top rail is less than three-quarters of the child’s height.” Also, experts recommend safety rails, along with our premium high-quality kids’ bedding patented design, to prevent big bed rollouts. Good to know, right?

Safe Space

What a relief.   Preschool-age children are no longer at risk for SIDS.  So sleeping with their favorite thin blankie, petite ribbon-free stuffed animals, and a toddler-sized pillow is lovely. It’s the larger stuffed animals and soft, snuggly toys that need to remain far away from their sleep space.  Other objects to steer clear when situating their bed are mobiles, window ties, blind strings, and electrical cords.  As curious minds develop, anything of this nature could prove dangerous.  Glass picture frames have also proven hazardous in youngsters’ hands.

Here’s an idea to start a successful big bed transition.  Avoid kicked-off sheets, a significant and often unnoticed sleep disruption.   Our high-quality kid’s bedding stops sheets from falling off your child and their bed.  With buttons, sheets stretch and flow with your child’s every move. What can we say?  Keeping your little one covered and sound asleep is our top priority:)

Fun Fact

Children ages one and beyond are free to sleep on their stomach, sides, or back.  So let them feel comfy as they find a sleep position to suit individual needs.

  Climber Safeguards

Here are a few quick tips to curb crib climbing enthusiasts:

  •  Adjust the mattress to the lowest setting
  • Clear crib of make-shift  stairs building with  crib bumpers or stuffed animals
  • Clear bedside furniture to avoid potential climbing props
  • Keep both feet on the ground with Little Grounders and Sleep Sack Pajamas
  • If one side is higher than the other (i.e., sleigh bed), rotate the crib’s lowest side to the wall.
  • Set the mattress on the ground.  If gaps appear between the bed and crib, build a mattress platform.
At Tucked+Covered, our mission is better sleep for the whole family.

That’s why our innovative sheet design moves with your tot in the big kid bed.  When your child stays covered, they sleep better, and so do you:) If your transitioning your pre-schooler out of the crib, give us a try for 30 nights or naps.  We guarantee our high-quality kid’s bedding will keep your child securely covered all night:)



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