Better Sleep ~ Our Design Beats the Competition

Better Sleep~T+C High Quality Design Elements
Better Sleep with T+C's High Quality Design Elements

Better Sleep with Tucked+Covered Bedsheets?  Yep.  Kids sleep better when they stay comfy covered. But wait, don’t get me wrong.  Our mission is better sleep for the family.  So, if the bedsheets you currently have are working to keep your child cozy covered all night, your bed neat, and the family sound asleep, good for you!  “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” as they say in the south.  For the rest of us,  the transition to big kid sheets in a bed kid bed can be pretty challenging when your tot is used to wearing a sleep sack at night.  Similar to our sheets designed to flow with your child as they sleep,  a sleep sack also moves with their body, so they automatically stay covered.  Unfortunately, more often than not, as toddlers stretch and wiggle in their new spacious big kid bed, so does their bedding.  As a result, they often awake upon the loss of their kicked-off sheets.

Parents will go to great lengths, often hiring a sleep consultant,  to get their child to sleep through the night.  The good news is if you need a sleep consultant, there are great ones out there to help.  However, before you decide to go this route, why not try a more inexpensive way; keep your wiggly tot’s sheets in place.  Yep.  The solution may be as simple as keeping your child comfy covered all night.  I mean, it’s worth a try anyway.  Worst-case scenario, you can rest easy knowing your child is covered; plus, their bed stays neat.

If you’re a creature of habit like me, I’m often skeptical of trying something new, even if it is appealing.  So, to nudge you in the direction of better sleep,  if that’s what you want, here’s a side by side comparison of five important bed linen qualities to give your family better sleep:)

Premium Cotton; Extra, extra read all about it!

 *Our bed sheets are made of the softest premium cotton on the market*

Sound Familiar?  We agree with the competition.   Premium soft cotton fabric is essential for children to feel comfortable.  But if kids kick their sheets off, what’s the point?

 Airy and Flowing Coverage

Yes!  We agree. Keeping our children covered is an essential part of getting them to sleep through the night.  However, how we keep them covered makes a difference—tucking them in too tight leads to them kicking to create more room.  Unlike babies, children enjoy flowing, airy coverage that moves with their growing bodies.  If goldie locks were the judge, traditional sheets are too flowy; zipper sheets are not flowy at all, and, well, our sheets flow just right;)

Remain Covered with an Arm or Leg Out

Is this possible to stick an arm or leg out for soothing airflow with traditional and zipper sheets? Of course, it’s possible with conventional sheets.  However, once the arm or leg reaches fresh air with standard tucked sheets, the tot’s sheets naturally loosen.  And with a blink of an eye, their bedding is kicked off, leaving them with more drafty, nighttime air than intended.   Zipper bedding allows for an arm out, but the legs are restricted.  And, unfortunately, feeling stuck and bound with minimal airflow can lead to overheating, also creating unwanted wake-up calls.  Luckily, kids can naturally stick an arm or leg out with our design, all the while staying comfy, covered, and fast asleep.  Just what the doctor ordered for a healthy night’s rest.

No-Slip Off Pillow Case

As we all know from experience, most pillowcases lose their cases when we sleep.  I mean, think about it.  We are dropping our pillow into a sack, one end open and the other closed.  So it’s bound to slip out.  This quick-fix design bothered me as I re-cased my pillow morning after morning.   Studying the techniques on the market, I also found cold, hard zipper closures were unappealing, break too easily.  Then, there are the split-back shams that leave on one good side for sleeping.  And better yet, to save on material cost, companies inlay a 6-inch pillow cap that, quite frankly, doesn’t hold the pillow in place.  As I designed our pillowcase, I wasn’t concerned with the cost of making the pillowcase. Instead, I wanted a pillowcase that completely covered the pillow day and night.  I mean, isn’t that the job of a pillowcase to keep the pillow covered? Come to find out, it may cost a little bit more to make ours, but the results are worth it!

At Tucked+Covered, our mission is better sleep for the whole family.  We understand the importance of healthy uninterrupted sleep.  That’s why we spend countless hours perfecting our design to keep your kiddos comfy covered all night.   It takes a village to nurture our kids to their highest potential.  And we are happy we can be a part of yours.

Button up for better sleep:)

From our family to yours:)










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