Sleep Help ~ My Social Media Journey to Authenticity

Sleep Help~ My social media journey
Sleep Help~ My social journey to authenticity
Giving Moms Sleep Help via Social Media

Giving moms sleep help via social media is new for me.  So, in the beginning, I thought to myself, ” How in the world am I suppose to create relationships virtually?  It seems so strange to think I can care about people with photos and comments.”  But, since engaging, I am pleasantly surprised; I do feel an authentic human connection.  Finally, jumping the water feels so refreshing:). I just had to connect with my tribe to create meaningful connections.  And, I have:)

My Tribe

The daunting part of social media is not knowing where to start.  The Instagram and Facebook platforms seem to have an infinite pool of people.  It’s the entire world connecting.  While trying to find my place, stumbling across a women’s follow loop set me in the right direction.  Learning on the fly was fun, challenging, and rewarding all at the same time.


On my first loop, @cherrymoon325 sent me thanks for the follow. This ice breaker led me to engage in conversation.  And, come to find out, she found my sheet design helpful.  Mom to mom,  she expressed how tired she was of making her boy’s messy bunk beds.  And I could relate authentically.  I didn’t want to sell her anything; I tried to help her.  I mean, I know how I hate making the bed every morning.  That’s why my creative details eliminate daily be making.  Moms have enough on their plate every day, so if I can keep their children comfy covered all night, give them both sleep help and eliminate daily bedmaking, then it’s a good day:)

Beautifully Authentic Photography

Viewing her stunning page of authentic moments with her daughter, Lucy,  I realized online authenticity was a thing!  “What a relief!” I thought,  “I can be myself .”  So, one thing led to another, and we became friends.  Now, I’m networking with so many moms on Instagram, helping their children stay comfy covered just like I’ve always wanted to do.  And their pages are filled with loving moments with their children and families:)  I am so grateful I am networking with so many positive people:)  It feels good to empower one another, creating heartfelt friendships along the way:)

Thanks, Insta Moms:)  I’m so grateful to be a part of your beautiful community:)





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