Better Sleep ~ Brighter Minds ~ Curbing the Why’s

Better Sleep ~ Brighter Minds:) Clever Ways to Curb the "Why's"
Better Sleep ~ Brighter Minds:) Clever Ways to Curb the "Why's"

Brightening minds with better sleep is essential for your child’s well-being. When our little ones awake refreshed, filled with curiosity about the world we live in, a new day full of learning begins.  Toddler’s between the ages of 2 and 5 are so curious; this developmental stage is jam-packed with never-ending “Why” questions. Of course, we are thrilled our kiddos are so interested.  However, answering “Why” all day long can be exhausting, but it doesn’t have to be. 

According to world-renowned pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene

when toddlers ask “WHY,” they aren’t necessarily looking for answers.  In fact, through his extensive research, Dr. Greene has found the “WHY” questions are simply a way for toddlers to engage in conversation.  In truth, they are eagerly exploring their next developmental stage of communication.  In Greene’s article Why Children ask Why he explains instead of answers, what toddlers are trying to say is, “ That’s interesting to me, let’s talk about it together.”

What a relief!

So, instead of struggling to come up with answers for these rapid-fire questions, take the first question and spend some time on it together. The more attention you spend wondering, playing, and sharing about why the sky is blue, the more satisfying it will be for both of you.  As adults, we are used to taking questions seriously and researching the answer to succeed.  I think that’s often where our frustration is born.  We want to provide the correct information to our kiddos to educate them correctly.  And, unfortunately, if we don’t have the answers, we often become frustrated.  

To be sure, understanding your child is more interested in your engagement and attention than an accurate “adult” answer will naturally lead to fewer questions and fonder WHY moments.  During their bedtime routine, let them know you loved the ideas they shared during the day.  Valuing their contributions will encourage their communicative development while nurturing confidence, trust, and smiles on their faces.  And happy faces before bed will manifest happy dreams, inner security, and better sleep for everyone.  Take a look below for quick tips to curb the “Why’s”:

What your toddler does NOT want in response to  WHY questions:

1.  Quick Answers ~ Short, quick will lead to dissatisfaction, uncertainty, and more “Why” questions.  

2.  Pre-Occupied Parents ~ Dismissive, pre-occupied parents will leave them feeling undervalued and frustrated.

3.  Adult Answers ~ Complex answers often lead to confusion, boredom, and more Why questions. 

What your toddler DOES want in response to WHY questions

1. Engagement ~ When you are genuinely interested, your child will let their clever ideas flow and often surprise you:)

2. Love ~ Kids love to play with you.  To answer the question, make up a silly song, fun game, or an imaginative story together.

3. Validation ~ Valuing their ideas will, in turn, build self-esteem, encouraging their leadership skills to take root.

4. Attention ~ All humans need attention from the ones we love.  So laugh, be playful, and explore together.

Fun Fact:  

According to, toddlers typically ask an average of 288 questions per day!

So, to create fewer questions,  here are a few ideas to engage your child:

1. “Ya know, I was wondering the same thing. Let’s talk about it. What do you think?”  

2. “Let’s take turns sharing our ideas in a song or story.  Wanna do rock paper scissors to see who goes first?”

3. Kids get a kick out of role reversals.  Invite them to be the parent, and you can be the child. You both will learn a lot!

Make it lively by brainstorming together, letting them know you enjoy their company and that their thoughts and ideas are valuable, just like them:)

 At Tucked + Covered, our mission is better sleep for the whole family.

 Building your child’s self-esteem is essential in creating a happy, healthy home environment.  So, the next time your child asks “WHY,” relax and have fun!   You will be amazed how enjoyable answering the “Why’s” can be:)

Better Sleep~Brighter Minds:)

Rest Well:)