Better Sleep Under the Stars with T+C

Better Sleep Under the Stars with T+C
Better Sleep Under the Stars with T+C

Better Sleep Under the Stars with Tucked+Covered ~ Recap for My Busy Peeps ~


Do you want to add a festive flare of warmth to your child’s sleep space? We do!! That’s why we added a dazzling fiesta sky for your little star gazer’s soft and cozy bed linens:)  As our team researched the best ideas for your child’s bed sheets, we learned

it’s simple to add a dusting of stars to any decor  since these bright and lively symbols are:


Like polka dots, stripes, and solids, stars gently accent your child’s sleep space.


A dreamy night’s sky is sure to spark their colorful imagination for sweet dreams.


Our innovative button design will flow with their growing bodies and spirit as your child develops.

It’s true! 

According to, stars are genuinely inspiring and compliment just about any room.  So, it’s effortless to sprinkle their charm as you please. The twinkling is often so discreet; their zesty light-hearted presence unknowingly creates curious, motivated smiles on our faces.  So, to be sure, as your child grows, stars will align with their forever evolving interests.

Here’s a fun fact:

In the 1700s, American farmers began centrally mounting grand stars above their Big Red Barn doors for Good Luck. So, stars are for all ages, genders and never go out of style.

Not only do interior designers adore stars’ decor, so do kids!

Girls and boys love the idea of sleeping with the night’s glowing sky, staying comfy covered on their own, and fast asleep until morning.  I mean, do we think kids enjoy waking up in the middle of the night? We usually are so frustrated when our child wakes us; we forget how upsetting it is for them.  Yep. It’s a fact. No person at any age likes their precious sleep disrupted.  Getting your child to sleep through the night is easier when they stay covered.  And guess what? Not only does our patented design create better sleep, but it also fosters a positive sense of self. Here’s how:

Positive Self Esteem

Our pure cotton sheets allow your child to keep themselves covered, creating inner strength:)


Your child will truly feel proud and relieved to count on themselves for better sleep.


Our sheet design soothes inner anxiety, promoting a sound, worry-free rest.

Now, getting your child to sleep through the night is much easier:)

Finally, children control their own sleep space, nurturing themselves with the sleep help they need.  No wonder kiddos love us!  Our impactful yet straightforward bedsheet design is super calming and rewarding. Yep.  Our steady coverage gently soothes them into the peaceful night’s rest they crave. Now, when they awake, it’s in the morning!  They feel empowered, rested, and ready to seize the day with better sleep.

At Tucked+Covered, our mission is better to sleep for the whole family.

We know the importance of getting your child to sleep through the night.  So, give us a try for 30 nights or naps. Experience the difference so you can decide.  We want your family to get the best rest possible.  And when your kids sleep, then you sleep. It’s that simple;)