
Design Process for Better Sleep

Designing better sleep with Empathy
Designing better sleep with empathy

A design process for better sleep?  Funny, I never considered my constant analysis for potential bedding designs and products a process. I just thought I cared way too much about helping people feel comfortable and sleep well.   Yep. I admit it.  I secretly escape into my empathetic, creative oasis seeking solutions to optimize bedding every day!  When a colleague inquired about my design process, I researched whether I even had a design process.  Come to find out, it’s not a linear design process I tune into daily but rather a mindset.  I mean, there is a standard, relatable design process with 4 or 5 steps.  However, as I read Design Thinking Is Not A Process, It’s A Mindset,  I realized my heartfelt passion for developing better sleep lies in what author and entrepreneur Amol Kadam refers to as mindset qualities rather than linear steps.  To further understand Kadam, here are a few ways his mindset qualities align with my designing techniques:

Innate Curiosity

Curious by birth, I’m a constant observer of my surroundings.   Seeking solutions to better life seems to be in my DNA.   So, being an inquiring observer naturally fuels ongoing product development.  When I have an idea, I mull over the details, create a prototype, and personally test it with family and friends.  During the testing process, I naturally see new and better ways to optimize your comfort for better sleep.  So, as a result, our design ideas are forever evolving, just like our daily lives.

Design Empathy

Being a mother of two, I understand first hand the toll constant nighttime wakings have on a family’s well-being.  My 4-year-old son’s never-ending wake-up calls sparked T+C’s initial product development.  Talking to other moms, I knew it was a common issue, an issue I was determined to resolve.  Now, with the basics in place, my analytical mind continues to gather new information, planning future bedding designs for infants, teens, dorm rooms, and adults.  I’m in pursuit of optimal sleep and comfort for all ages.

Test Stagnent Theories

Buttons on sheets?  Yep.  I know it may sound crazy, but they work!  Often, we get stuck buying what we know, even if it doesn’t serve us well.  Why?  There is safety in familiarity.  Ask any money-driven corporation that doesn’t have the time or the drive to find a better solution for messy, untucked bedding.  So, it’s a leap of faith to innovate something new, foreign to the mainstream mindset.  From my perspective, it’s worth the risk to provide better sleep.  After all, sleep is essential for our well being:) And sheets falling off the bed have proven to be a significant sleep disruptor time and time again.

Dig Deep

Digging deep to solve the root problem is the road less traveled.  Why?  It takes time, patience and it’s not an instant money maker.  Of course, a quick fix may be more straightforward, a time-saver, and more cost-effective.  However, a makeshift design will probably manifest similar issues or an entirely new set of problems. For example, zipper bedding does keep the child covered, but it doesn’t consider adding or adjusting compatible layers.  From my experience, zippers feel cold, hard and are better suited for sleeping bags.  We landed on buttons because we can fasten or unfasten layers, quickly adjusting to individual sleep preferences.  So, if you like sleeping with a foot or leg out, go for it with our design, and you will still stay comfy covered!

At Tucked+Covered, our mission is better to sleep for the whole family.

If you’re exhausted from nighttime wake-up calls or just tired of sheets falling off the bed, give us a try risk-free for 30 nights or naps.  We’re confident our design will create better sleep for your children.  And when your kids sleep, then YOU sleep.  It’s that simple:)



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