What’s the secret to getting your child to sleep through the night? Well, let’s start with the most obvious yet overlooked way to help your kiddo stay asleep; keep them covered. Yep. Sometimes it can be that simple. How do I know? I’ve lived it. I was baffled, frustrated, and exhausted when my son Max, age 4, kept waking me for, what I thought, no apparent reason. Funny enough, when I slowed down, moved into a balanced state of mind, and took another look, I discovered his wake-up calls were occurring because of the most apparent, overlooked reason we all seem to miss. His sheets were falling off the bed. Like most kids, during Max’s natural sleep movement, his bed linens were untucking, leaving his growing body vulnerable to the drafty cool nighttime air destined to awake him and me from a healthy night’s rest. So, if getting your child to sleep through the night is challenging, check to see if their bed is messy in the morning. If the answer is yes, chances are the sneaky and unsuspecting untucked bedding is the disruptor.
Seeking Comfort
When kids are young, instincts are untainted and in full swing. So coming to mom and dad, the most comfortable place on earth is what our kids do when they can’t comfort themselves. And, unfortunately, something so seemly simple to us, recovering ourselves in the middle of the night, is not so simple for our little peeps. If I’m honest, fidgeting to recover myself while in a deep rest is a disruptive eye-opener for me too. How about you? But, since this is what we’ve come to expect, we accept the untucked bed linen wakings as usual and trudge forward, wishing getting your child to sleep through the night was more effortless.
It Takes a Village
Have you ever heard the phrase, ” It takes a village to raise a child”? If you’re a parent, you understand precisely what this means. But, unfortunately, raising our children alone is not a healthy option. That’s why community outreach encourages “Mommy and Me” groups as early as three weeks old. According to parents.com, “You can feel isolated when you’re a new mom, so finding a class where you can get feedback from other moms — on colic, diaper rash, going back to work — is a real gift.”
So, what does this have to do with getting your child to sleep through the night? Everything. You see, I’m a mom who truly wants to help children stay comfy covered all night. That is why we buy bed linens; to keep our beds and our bodies covered. Just like babies in a swaddle, something is comforting about staying covered while we sleep. That’s a fact. But in today’s harried world, producing massive quantities of bed linens seems more important than the actual quality we are making.
Fun Fact
According to referenc.com, “It takes a village to raise a child is an Igbo and Yoruba proverb that exists in many different African languages? It reflects the emphasis African cultures place on family and community and may have its origins in a biblical worldview.”
We Care
At Tucked+Covered, our mission is better sleep for the whole family. We understand when children and parents consistently sleep healthy, everyone feels better. So, if your child is waking you at night, give us a try for 30 naps or nights risk-free and sleep the difference. We know first hand when your kids sleep, then YOU sleep. It’s that simple:)