
High Quality Kids Bedding Gradually Ends Napping

High Quality Kids Bedding gradually ends napping
High quality kids bedding gradually ends napping

Did you know Tucked+Covered’s high-quality kids’ bedding with buttons helps gradually ends nap-time?  It’s true!   Studies show when your child stays comfy covered, they sleep better.  And when little tikes get a solid 12 – 14  hours of shut-eye at night, napping subsides.

Yep.  That’s right. With our 100% cotton high-quality kids bedding, sleeping through the night is easier for everyone:) Finally, no more untucked messy bedding waking your child and YOU. But, how do your child’s kicked-off sheets wake YOU  too?  Well,  if your kiddo wakes at night, most of the time, they will also wake you for comfort. Remember, if your child wakes at night, check their beds to see if their sheets are untucked.  If they are, it may be time for you to change your sheets;)

“Sleep is important for learning, memory, and growth,” says Alyson Shaw, a pediatric consultant at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa.  Although some end daily shut-eyes as early as two years old, most nappers shift to a low-key rest period between the ages of 3 – 5.   To help guide your toddler, stay in tune with their present behavior.  If you know what to look for, their instincts will teach both of you into the next sleep phase.


Say YES to Naps When Your Toddler:

*breaks their sleep cycle with nighttime wakings

*consistently yawns and rubs their eyes

*insists they are not tired via tantrum

*slumps and pouts with body language

*acts out the early evening with substantial upset

To help toddler’s settle  into their nap, here are a few rituals to put in place:

*Nap with your child ~ Kids loves cuddling with you.  You’ll be amazed how much better you feel:)

*Blackout curtains ~ When the sun is at bay, melatonin naturally produces, relaxing our bodies while inducing sleep.

*Sound Machine ~ Soft sounds of the ocean help lull little tikes into the rest they need.


Curbing Nap Time Resistance

Just like us, children want to be heard, loved, and understood.  If your child is cranky and upset, insisting they don’t need a nap, try reverse psychology.  Instead of making it about their nap time, make it about YOU being tired and requiring a rest. If you’ve ever wanted to be an actor, nows your time to shine:) As you rub your eyes and yawn, say something like, ” I know you don’t need a nap because you’re a big kid.  And that’s ok.  I hear you. But right now, mommy needs a nap. Mommies also need naps sometimes.” Be Theatrical;)  Pretend to fall asleep, maybe snore a little bit to get their attention. If they don’t wake you, wake yourself after several moments.  Then say something like, “Did I just fall asleep?”  Wow!  I understand you are not tired, sweetie, but I am.  I sure would love it if you would cuddle with me while I rest: )  Pretending to fall asleep often confuses them, calming them down as they shift their focus to you.

Fun Fact:

According to the National Sleep Foundation, by age 4, fifty percent of children no longer nap, and at age 5, only thirty percent continue their daytime siesta.

Early Nap Time Prevents Nighttime Waking

*If your toddler is waking at night, try moving their nap time earlier in the day.  Beginning your primary outing in the early and mid-morning hours will help this shift naturally.  Swimming is always a great activity to induce an earlier nap time.

Gradually Ending Nap Time

To ease your child out of nap time, begin shortening their mid-day siesta’s in 15-minute increments over several weeks.  This slow transition helps their bodies and minds smoothly adjust.  Remember, Sleep is an essential building block for your child’s mental and physical health.  So, just because everyone else’s child is ending nap time doesn’t mean you need to follow suit:):)

At Tucked+Covered, our mission is better sleep for the whole family.

If your family is getting uninterrupted rest at night, naps may subside quicker.  If this is the case for you, build an impressive fort with your kiddo for some relaxing daily chill time.  Keep the temperature cool, have a cooling snack or beverage, listen to some soft music, look at books or watch a movie.  If you haven’t tried our sheets yet, give us a try risk-free for 30 nights or naps and sleep the difference:). Healthy sleep.  Healthy YOU:)























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