Is Getting Your Child to Sleep Through the Night Impossible?

Does getting your child to sleep through the night seem impossible?
Does getting your child to sleep through the night seem impossible?

Is getting your child to sleep through the night impossible?  You’re not alone.  Less than 50% of parents with young children say they get the rest they need. Realizing this, I felt relief I wasn’t alone.  Curiously researching for answers, I often find parents think it’s their child, and the truth is. Usually, it’s not the child at all; it’s common disruptive environmental factors responsible for waking.

A Significant  Sleep Disruptor

One of the most overlooked nighttime waking factors is children kicking off sheets.  Yep.  Something as simple as kicked-off sheets makes getting your child to sleep through the night seem impossible.  That’s why our mission at tucked+covered is to keep your kiddos comfy covered. We know first hand when kids stay covered, they sleep better.  And when your kids sleep, then you sleep.  It’s that simple.

 The Sleep Sack

The sleep sack has been a sleep saver for many of us.  All we need to do is a zip to cover up your little sweetie, and your growing child stays comfy covered on their own.  Easy Peasy.  There are no kicked-off coverings until it’s time to shift to the toddler or big kid bed.  And often, when children change to their big kid bed, waking becomes an issue once again. Many assume it’s the size of the bed that’s uncomfortable for your tot.  But we’ve found it’s the kicked-off bedding that makes getting your child to sleep through the night difficult.

Big Kid Bed

So, how do I set myself up for success when transitioning my child to their big kid bed?  Here are a few I’ve found helpful.

 Sound Machine

If the room is too quiet, it can create anxiety for the child.  Don’t get me wrong; we don’t want disruptive sounds like the television, people chatting, or loud music playing in an adjacent room.  These are disruptive sounds.  But soothing sounds can be helpful.  I use a sound machine every night, and it’s so relaxing.  When I don’t use one, I notice the difference.  I awake several times at night for no apparent reason.

Keep Them Dry

Bedwetting is a definite sleep disruptor we want to avoid. And, even if you have reached accident-free status during the day, be safe at night.  The extra absorbent nighttime pull-ups are a mom’s best friend.  We can try to avoid liquids 2-3 hours before bedtime.  And if they are insistent on a drink, make it fun.  Have a small water Popsicle with a bit of fruit for a few fun licks.  That may be all you need to satisfy their thirst:)

Keep Them Covered

At Tucked+Covered, we make the big kid bed transition easier.  Since Kicked off sheets are a significant sleep disruptor, our stretch-to-move button design is the first non-restricting coverage on the market.  You see, my design stretches, allowing the sheets to adapt to flow with your child’s movement.  Now, kids stay comfy cover, the bed stays neat, and everyone gets better sleep.

If you haven’t tried our sheets yet, use code: sleephappy25  at checkout and receive 25% off your first purchase:)

And remember to sign up for our newsletter on our website:)  We love pampering our peeps with sweet treats all year long:)

Go Ahead.  Sleep Happy:)


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