When moms write and tell me our kids’ bedding is helping their child sleep through the night, I light up inside:) After all, that’s why I decided to go on this journey to create it for the public; I want to help fellow Mammas and their precious little peeps get a healthy night’s sleep.
Before Max, my first child, was born, I admit that I took rest for granted.
Remember those days? No disturbances during our sleep, other than our morning alarm. Wow!! That was a long time ago!! And when we brought Max home, my husband, Craig, and I had no idea what we were doing. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we signed up for Parenting 101; how to change a diaper, swaddle and burp a doll. But I’m sure you will agree, diapering, wrapping, and burping a precious newborn you are responsible for is entirely different;/ Talk about a state of overwhelm, just my hubby, our newborn, and me. At this point, I had no idea Max’s broken sleep would soon inspire a creative kids’ bedding design for moms like me, who could use a little help.
Memory Lane
Although we felt tremendous love and joy with Max at home with us, I remember many moments of feeling like two deers caught in beaming bright headlights on a long, dimly lit winding country road with no one else in sight. Remember those moments?
Stepping into Motherhood
I remember recovering in the hospital after birthing Max, and the nurse looked at me and said, ” It looks like it’s time to change Max’s diaper.” At the moment, I had no idea this was my cue to dive into momma work. The nurse stood next to me doing nothing, so I finally understood the message and said, “Who, me?” She smiled and said, “Yes, you dear.”
With no family in sight, Craig and I were figuring out how to parent day by day. At times, we grasped for our upright vacuum to carry on a conversation. Both being severely sleep-deprived from Max’s wake-up calls, the noise from our vacuum was our best solution for calming Max into sleep. Yep. Our conversations were a bit different now, with the vacuum running in the middle of the living room so we could carry on an exchange; LOL, those were the good ole days:) It was about now I realized my sleep might never be the same again;/ I’m sure you remember those “desperate times require desperate measures” moments.
Help! When do I get to sleep like I did before Max was born?
O.k. I was expecting sleep disruptions when max was a baby. However, never having broken sleep before, I had no idea what a toll it takes on our mind, body, and spirit! Thank goodness, I learned early on that when Max napped, I napped with him. The household chores could wait. After all, we know no matter how hard we try to catch up, there’s always something to do.
But what I didn’t know was, at least for me, the broken sleep continued into the toddler and early childhood years. So, I signed up for long-term dismantled rest when I signed up to be a mom. So, figuring out a solution to help my son and me get proper rest was paramount when moving into his big kid bed. Little did I know, kicked-off sheets can reek so much havoc on our much-needed rest, waking our kids at all hours of the night. That’s when out of personal necessity, I began redesigning kids’ bedding.
Motherhood ~ An unspoken bond
Motherhood is an unspoken bond between women. Innately, we find comfort in being there for one another. No one “gets us” like us. This natural bond is what drives me every day to help other moms get the rest they need. For me, when I created the kids’ bedding solution to keep Max sound asleep, I wanted to shout it from the rooftops saying, “Eurika! I have a solution to help your child sleep through the night. It will help you if you try it”. In today’s world, I guess rooftops translate into social media, the next best thing. But, to be honest, rooftops are more my style;) With the help of two wonderful ladies, Charmaine and Stacy, founders of See You Monday Boutique Marketing Agency (insta@seeyoumondayagency), I’m learning the ropes of social media to spread the good word. Yep. If our kids’ bedding design can help make your life a little easier, then that’s a win for me:) After all, moms know it’s the little things that can make a big difference:)
Happy Sleeping:)